Company domicile in Andorra
One of the requirements that must be met to start a company in Andorra is to have a business domicile. We offer the option of registering your company with registered office in our business center. This implies that the company will have a business address and image and access to the different services that we have available to meet your business needs, such as receiving clients and suppliers in a professional environment. Of course, regular commercial activity will continue to be carried out in a physical space designated for this purpose. This place can be an office or in your own house, as long as it has a space dedicated exclusively for your economic activity. Using spaces such as the bedroom or living room are not valid as they would be spaces that you would share with your personal life. Keep in mind that local authorities carry out regular inspections to verify that companies comply with regulations.
Another more comfortable and interesting option is for the company to be domiciled entirely in the business center: registered office and business domicile. You can rent a moderately sized office in our business center, register your company at that address, and enlist the services necessary to operate (substance requirements). One of the benefits is the speed of start-up since the business centers have offices ready to use, after the basic services are registered. In addition, not having to commit to the medium term and initially disburse large amounts of money in a property that may not later meet the needs of your business. It is the smartest comprehensive option for new companies in Andorra.
Who may be interested in domiciling your company in a business center?
- Newly established companies in Andorra
- Professionals who have to travel a lot due to their activity as artists, models, consultants, etc.
- Interested in interacting with different professionals in the same place
- Using a business address in the city center Andorra La Vella
Available services
- Valid address for your registration
- Receipt of postal mail
- Shared use spaces managed by the center such as cafeteria, meeting rooms, bathrooms
- 24/7 security
Regardless of the option of your interest, we are available to advise you and offer you the service that best suits your needs.
Business Centre for Company domicile in Andorra
- Valid social or professional address for registration in the commercial trade registry
- Your documents and business cards with an address in Andorra
- Receipt of correspondence
- Email notification of the arrival of your express, certified and parcel service (30 per month)
- Special price for renting the meeting room
- WIFI in all common areas